Our Multi-Platform Check4ID is designed to make your life and job easier.

It is fast, easy, flexible and allows you to compare your documents authenticity features the way you want and need to.

MRZ recognition

Check4ID uses your Android or iPhones camera to quickly scan all MRZ lines according to the ICAO 9303 standard

NFC Chip
Check4ID can use your devices NFC capabilities to acces the contents of your documents NFC Chip.
de Iphone en Android App voor leeftijd en documentcontrole
In addition to national and international ID cards, Passports and Visas, Check4ID supports the European Driving Licenses with QR code and chip.
In house development
Check4ID is based on our own OCR and RFID Engines that are built in house. Because of this we can quickly anticipate and adapt when there are new standards and laws.

Quickly and easily determine whether you can trust the authenticity of an identity document through innovative checks on MRZ and NFC chip, including AA and PA authentication and checking on DS / CSCA.
Check4ID performs the desired verification on the MRZ and NFC chip of an identity document with many additional checks including the expiry date.
You decide which information from an identity document is important to you and process it in your own back-end system. Check4ID supports JSON, XML and PDF as standard.

The Mult-Platform Check4ID is powered by scanactive.com

With the ever growing emphasis on identity fraud and being able to quickly check all sorts of ID Documents, the solutions from ScanActive are your tools of choice.